I Don’t Need More Customers

STATEMENT: “‘I’m so busy, I don’t need more customers, so I don’t need to have a website!”

RESPONSE: Having an abundance of customers is amazing! Even when you’re busy, you want to remain top-of-mind with your customers so that you continue to receive referrals, feedback, recommendations, and income. Your website is a hub, it’s your online home.

There are a variety of reasons having a website is good for businesses, even if they have a lot of customers. For one, it allows businesses to reach out to more potential customers and to keep in touch with current customers through blogs and newsletters. A website also provides businesses with a space to showcase their products or services, as well as providing information about hours of operations, location, contact information, events, award, sales, and promotions.

Your online home, your website, is an online property that you “own”. You control what is on your website and how it reflects your business’s mission and vision. It’s one way you can represent your products and services to the public and it’s an effortless way to reach them when you have it set up correctly for search engines to find it so that it shows up in online queries for what you do.

Don’t discount the power of having a website, even in your busiest of times. The marketing and advertising value and the customer service opportunities that your site can bring to you are worth their weight in gold.

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