The Power of Partnership

Jim Rohn said, “You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.” This is definitely true in business. When you are partnered with people who are positive, motivated and have integrity, your business will thrive, online and offline.

If you’re looking to partner with someone, be sure that you can answer these questions before agreeing.

  1. Does this partnership align with my goals, values, and interests?
  2. Will this be an equal, respectful, and fair partnership?
  3. Will there be clear communications and commitment to working as a team?

Remember, it’s okay and often wise to say, “No thank you.” Not everyone who will ask to partner or work together with you will be a good fit, just as not everyone you may ask will see you as a good fit for them.  When you have someone to help you brainstorm ideas and support you through partnerships and collaborations, it makes things much easier. With a partner by your side, you can reach new heights and achieve great things.

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