Tips To Help Keep Your Site Secure

Rencently, I’ve been several people ask me how to be sure they can access their website or how to recover their site. There are several reasons why either of these situations could happen, but today I’m going to give you some tips about how to keep your website secure so that you can avoid the headache and uncertainty of not being able to access it or having it become compromised.

Be sure your site has an active SSL certificate and that ALL of your pages addresses are https.

Regularly update and use strong passwords for your account login gateways.

Have malware and firewall software installed on your site.

Be sure you are running the most applicable and recent PHP.

Keep your plugins (apps) up-to-date and remove those that you’re not using or will never use.

Keep themes updated and remove those that you are not using or will never use again.

Run scans on your website regularly to check for vulnerabilities.

Check to see what users are listed on your site and ensure the roles are correct.

Regularly back up your site.

Keep an activity log of your site.

Update your website and/or log into it on a regular basis.

Some of the maintenance tasks that I mentioned may be available as services provided by your web hosting service and they could be set up to run, update, and/or scan automatically. However, it is very important that you don’t fully rely on your web host to know if your site is up and running and is not compromised.

A little bit of time spent weekly will save you a lot of time in the future trying to remedy an unsecured site in the future!

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